Savanna Market Dental

Why You Need a Dental Exam and What Happens During Your Appointment

A woman dentist smiling and wearing navy blue medical scrubs with hands in pockets

A dental exam is something you should book twice a year. However, there may be additional instances when you need a dentist appointment for more than a regular checkup. It is important to visit your dentist to maintain your oral health as it affects your overall well-being. Issues, like cavities can occur as a result of built-up plaque and tartar, and swollen gums, will lead to further complications if left unattended.

Time to See the Dentist

There are warning signs that indicate it is time to visit your dentist. Pay attention to changes in your mouth to avoid a true dental disaster.

  • Bloody Gums – You may be cursing your “bloody gums” quite literally as you notice redness and swelling. This can be a sign of gingivitis or may result from aggressive brushing. Either way, you will want to see your dentist to determine what the problem is and how it can be quickly resolved. 
  • Stinky Breath – Do you have a foul smell coming from your mouth? Yes, everyone gets bad breath occasionally from consuming stinky foods, but if you experience smelly breath regularly even though you take care of your oral hygiene, something is likely wrong. Not only is bad breath embarrassing, but your mouth could be telling you something. Halitosis is often a sign of a tooth infection, decay, gum disease, or a bacteria imbalance. Your dentist will be able to address these issues.
  • Loose or Broken Dental Appliance – Maybe you have braces or a dental implant. Just because something is placed inside your mouth to correct your teeth does not mean it can’t have problems of its own. Loose or broken oral appliances may need emergency dental services to adjust or repair it. When your appliance is out of sorts it should be dealt with right away as it can lead to misalignment of your teeth or damage from bits poking out.
  • White Spots – Have you noticed white spots on your teeth? Discolouration can be a sign of tooth decay. The decaying can be stopped before it becomes a large cavity. All you need to do is visit the dentist for an assessment and treatment.
  • Pain – Pain of any kind including toothaches, jaw pain, headaches and sensitivity to hot/cold food and drink can indicate something is wrong. Your dentist will determine the underlying problem so it can get sorted out. Early intervention can help alleviate discomfort and avoid further suffering.
  • Pregnancy – Even if you may not be able to have some dental treatments while you are pregnant, you may want to have a dental exam more often. Hormonal changes put you at higher risk for gingivitis and cavities. Your dentist will be able to provide you with a list of optional oral health care options during your pregnancy. It is important to maintain a healthy body for you and your baby.  

Visiting your dentist for a checkup and cleaning are crucial steps in taking care of your oral health. Not only will your teeth look better, but you will feel better.

A young girl is sitting in a dental chair, smiling while a dentist checks her teeth

What Goes on During a Routine Oral Health Checkup?

Knowing what to expect before a dental exam can help calm your nerves. Though every dentist will perform these steps in a different sequence, here is a rundown of what to expect.

  • Step 1: Your teeth and gums are thoroughly examined to check for signs of decay or other damage. A dental probe and mirror are used to view between the teeth and the interior of your mouth. Your dentist may take photos or X-rays depending on their findings.
  • Step 2: The depth of space between your teeth and gums is measured to identify how your gum and bone support is.
  • Step 3: Your face, neck, and mouth are examined to screen for abnormalities or any signs of oral cancer.
  • Step 4: When a teeth cleaning is required, a dental hygienist will use special tools to remove any plaque and tartar on your teeth.

Gliding your tongue across your teeth should feel smooth. Rough patches or chipped enamel should be attended to during your visit to the dentist. Healthy teeth give you a reason to smile and add to your level of confidence.  

Visiting Your Dentist

Even if there are no negative signs, if you haven’t been to the dentist in six months, it is probably time to book an appointment. Routine check-ups are a great way to stay healthy and avoid complicated procedures. Dentists can find little things you may not be able to with your naked eye, so a dental exam is always an important preventative measure.  At Savanna Market Dental, we monitor your mouth to identify any changes to your oral cavity since your last appointment.  


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