Savanna Market Dental

Porcelain Veneers

Cleaning and Prevention
Family Dentistry
Children’s Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Replacement
Extract or Preserve
Oral Appliances
Sedation Dentistry

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers, also known as dental laminates, are a thin layer of material that fits over the front of your teeth. Veneers conceal dental issues such as chipped or cracked teeth, discolouration, and other small imperfections affecting the look of your smile. Perhaps orthodontic work is not a suitable option for you. This is where veneers come into play. The complex nuances of your natural tooth can be replicated with these custom-made coverings. When you come into Savanna Market Dental, you can get the smile you have been dreaming of.

Why You May Need Porcelain Veneers

  • Misaligned Teeth – Do you have a crooked smile? Veneers can enhance the appearance of your teeth without having to have braces.  This is an option depending on the severity of the misalignment.
  • Worn Down Teeth – If you have compromised your enamel by grinding or opening cans with your teeth then veneers can cover up the damage.  They will also bring back the functionality of your teeth.
  • Discolouration – Are you embarrassed by stains on your teeth from eating highly pigmented foods, smoking, or poor oral hygiene? Porcelain veneers at your Calgary NE dentist can give you a brighter, whiter smile. Remember, you must take care of your veneers to retain the aesthetic.
  • Weird Shaped Teeth – Do you have some teeth that are shorter than others? Dental veneers can make your teeth appear longer, giving them all a uniform look.
  • Fractured Teeth – When your teeth need restoration, you can rely on veneers to give you the look you desire. You may be able to postpone additional dental work for minor issues. They can help protect the enamel and give you the function of non-damaged teeth.

Porcelain veneers are a less-invasive, versatile procedure for dental issues that can provide you with an aesthetically pleasing result.

What Happens During a Porcelain Veneer Procedure?

Porcelain veneers can last anywhere between 10-15 years if properly cared for. Your dentist will proceed with the following steps.

  • Step 1: Half a millimeter of enamel is removed from the tooth being worked on to ensure the covering can fit over your tooth.
  • Step 2: An impression of your tooth is taken and sent to a dental lab where the veneers are created.
  • Step 3: A temporary veneer is placed on your tooth that provides a preview of your new look, allowing you to test it out to see if you like it.
  • Step 4: Once the permanent veneer is ready, you go back to the dentist for a thorough cleaning of your teeth to prepare for placement.
  • Step 5: The permanent veneer is bonded to your natural tooth and minor adjustments may be made.
  • Step 6: A polishing of the veneer is complete to leave you with a smile you are proud to show off.

The colour and shape of the veneer will be created to align with the aesthetic you wish to have.