Savanna Market Dental

Periodontal Therapy

Cleaning and Prevention
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What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an oral health disease that deteriorates your gums and bone. When left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. Once you have periodontal disease it is irreversible because the loss of bone creates an unstable environment for your teeth. You can, however, get treatment to help prevent further loss. Gingivitis is the early stage of periodontal disease. You can do the following to avoid the advancement of the disease by having:

  • Regular dental check-ups
  • Regularly scheduled dental cleanings
  • A routine of twice daily brushing and once daily flossing


This disease happens gradually and can occur without any sensation of pain. It can sneak up on you but at Savanna Market Dental we know how to identify the warning signs and can offer treatment to prevent further damage.

How Does Periodontal Disease Happen?

  • Lack of proper dental care
  • Bodily changes such as pregnancy or puberty
  • Bad habits like grinding your teeth
  • Medical problems like diabetes
  • Inhibition of saliva flow like with dry mouth syndrome


If you are a smoker, use steroids, or are on birth control, you may be at higher risk for periodontal disease.

These are all contributors to the risk of periodontal disease. Plaque build-up turns into tartar which increases the number of negative bacteria in gum pockets which in turn is the perfect place for an infection to grow.

Are There Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease?

It is important to keep an eye on your oral health and if you notice any of the following signs then you may be at risk for periodontal disease.

  • Sensitive, swollen, bleeding, or red gums
  • Teeth that have moved around or become loose
  • Bad breath

Types of Periodontal Disease

So, what kind of periodontal disease do you have?

  • Gingivitis – This is the mildest form of the disease and more common than you think. The tissues in your mouth are infected leading to your tooth’s root being exposed. Gingivitis can cause pus pockets between your gums and teeth. At this stage, your dentist can offer treatments to reverse the effects.

  • Periodontitis – Occurring at an advanced stage, this type of periodontal disease is when the infection spreads to surrounding teeth and below the gumline. This lends itself to gum and bone loss which begins to affect your surrounding teeth and facial structure.

  • Chronic Periodontitis– Moving slowly, this is the most common form of this issue. It causes gum recession and gingival pockets, an abnormal gum depth.

  • Aggressive Periodontitis – This is a fast-moving form of this disease that can cause quick tooth loss. In this case, you will notice gum recession and gingival pockets.

  • Systemic Periodontitis – Do you have an ailment and are you on medication? This could be related to your systemic periodontitis. Systemic periodontitis progresses fast, affecting your already weakened body.

Common Diseases Tied to Systemic Periodontitis Are:

  • Respiratory disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Necrotizing Periodontal Disease – If you have HIV, immunosuppression, or malnutrition, you may experience this type of periodontal disease. The deprivation of nourishment to your body kills gingival tissue, periodontal ligaments, and bone.

At Savanna Market Dental, we treat periodontal disease in any form. You are in safe hands

Periodontal Treatment

Treatment for periodontal diseases will depend on the form that you have. At Savanna Market Dental, we personalize your dental therapy, ensuring your oral health is at its optimal level for each situation. 

Treatment can include anything from a professional cleaning, deep scaling, and root planning to more advanced procedures including:

  • Tissue Regeneration – Membrane is inserted into your tissues to help the bone regenerate
  • Pocket Elimination Surgery – Re-shaping of your gums happens during bone surgery, getting rid of craters and preventing future bad bacterial growth
  • Laser Therapy – Your pocket sizes are reduced

In addition to setting up a schedule that works for you, we may also refer you to a periodontist for response treatment. You always have options.