Savanna Market Dental

Cleaning and Prevention

Cleaning and Prevention
Family Dentistry
Children’s Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Replacement
Extract or Preserve
Oral Appliances
Sedation Dentistry

Dental Cleaning and Prevention in Calgary NE

Are you excited to show off your beautiful smile? Taking care of your teeth will keep them healthy and looking great. At Savanna Market Dental our N.E. Calgary dentists are committed to helping you understand the importance of regular oral hygiene. Together with our team of hygienists, we keep plaque and tartar from causing damage to your oral cavity. Dental check-ups and cleanings twice a year minimize your risk of problems arising but when they do, you can be confident we have the tools and resources to fix the issues. Our goal is to make your experience comfortable while offering you efficient dental care and preventative solutions for you and your family.

Take Control of Your Oral Health with Cleaning and Prevention

Cleaning and preventative dental care are crucial to your oral health. Maintain a healthy smile with these steps.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Floss daily
  • Use mouthwash once or twice a day
  • Watch for oral changes
  • Visit the dentist as soon as possible if you notice any negative changes
  • Avoid overconsumption of acidic food and drink
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Visit the dentist twice a year for a check-up and professional cleaning

How Dental Cleaning and Prevention in Calgary Help

A healthy mouth is linked to whole-body wellness. Regular dental appointments help keep your oral health and overall health in good shape.

Cleaning and Prevention Dental Services in Calgary’s NE include:

Oral Cancer Screening: Oral cancer can be a fatal disease but if caught early enough it can be treated successfully.  Our dentists can identify the subtlest signs during a routine screening to improve your chances of survival. 

Teeth Cleaning: Our team of hygienists are highly trained to keep your teeth looking and feeling smooth. Special scalers help in getting rid of plaque and tartar buildup that can lead to periodontal disease.

Home Care: Let us suggest the right brushing and flossing techniques you can do at home to keep your mouth bacteria-free and happy. Following a regular routine, utilizing toothpastes made specifically for sensitive teeth, and using mouthwashes formulated to help get rid of extra plaque and tartar, are just a few tips to maintain your oral health.

Periodontal Therapy: Periodontal disease is a gum disease that can deteriorate your gums resulting in swelling and redness. If you are encountering periodontal disease, it can be reversed if detected early by your dentist. Removal of tartar around your teeth and gums can prevent tooth loss. 

Cleaning and Prevention Treatment at Savanna Market Dental

With regular dental cleanings and check-ups, you can lower your risk of developing major dental concerns like tooth loss, halitosis (bad breath), and oral cancers. When you have a healthy mouth, it can save you money on what can be lengthy and costly treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Expect During a Dental Check-Up and Cleaning?

If this is your first time seeing your dentist in NE Calgary, he/she will discuss your medical and dental history with you. Dental X-rays will be taken, and an examination of your mouth will be conducted. During your dental cleaning, the hygienist will remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar to eliminate a build-up.

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist?

It is recommended to see your dentist every six months to make sure your mouth is healthy. If you are at greater risk for dental issues or experiencing anything unusual, your dentist may suggest you visit more than twice a year.

If I brush and floss my teeth regularly, why do I need to get a professional cleaning?

A good oral health routine is great but not all plaque and tartar can be removed with at-home cleaning. A hygienist has the tools necessary to get rid of tough build-up. Your dentist will also check for any potential issues so they can be addressed early on.

If I take care of my oral health, do I need to come to the dentist for a check-up?

Yes. Regular visits to the dentist will allow him/her to keep an eye on your oral health.  Some dental issues are hard to detect with the naked eye, but your dentist utilizes specific tools for a magnified view inside your mouth. X-rays can identify issues under the gum line, and any signs of gum disease that need to be addressed.

Do I have to do anything my dental check-up or cleaning?

Your hygienist or dentist will let you know if there are any steps you need to take at home to help with your oral health. They will provide you with details during your appointment about how to care for your teeth and gums depending on your situation. If there are no issues, you should continue your regular brushing and flossing routine.

Why is brushing and flossing my teeth important?

Brushing your teeth removes plaque, tartar, food particles, and other bacteria from the surface of your teeth. Flossing gets between your teeth and under your gumline where your toothbrush cannot reach. This helps prevent gum, teeth, and bone damage.