Savanna Market Dental

Tooth Extractions

Cleaning and Prevention
Family Dentistry
Children’s Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Replacement
Extract or Preserve
Oral Appliances
Sedation Dentistry

What is a Tooth Extraction?

At Savanna Market Dental, we only recommend a tooth extraction if absolutely necessary. Sometimes, this procedure is needed to prevent further dental concerns. Extracting a tooth removes the visible part and the root to help get rid of bad bacteria and bring your child’s mouth back to health.

When Does Your Child Need a Tooth Extracted?

There are a variety of reasons a tooth extraction may be required by a dentist in NE Calgary.

  • Deep decay that is unable to be corrected with a filling or root canal
  • A fractured or broken tooth
  • Overcrowding that may result in jaw development issues
  • As preparation for braces, making room in your child’s mouth
  • Problems with wisdom teeth

Help your child understand the importance of an extraction and reduce their anxiety by going with them to their dental appointment.  A parent’s reassurance will relieve some tension.

What is the Process for a Tooth Extraction?

Your child will undergo an X-ray so the dentist in NE Calgary can determine the condition of the root and bone.

There are two main types of tooth extractions.

  1. Simple Extraction – A dental tool called an elevator loosens the tooth and forceps are used to remove the tooth from its socket. This happens when the tooth is still visible.
  1. Surgical Extraction – When the tooth has not yet erupted through the gums or has broken at the gum line minor surgery may be required.  A small incision is made to eliminate the unerupted or broken tooth. 

The tooth being extracted and the area around it will be numbed. More complicated extractions will call for the removal of some of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth.

Following instructions after the dental procedure is crucial to the comfort and healing of your child’s mouth. A gauze pad will be placed on the wound to help form a blood clot. Make sure your child:

  • Avoids drinking from a straw as this can cause the blood clot to loosen and result in dry socket. This is extremely painful and requires an emergency dental appointment.
  • Ensure the area that was worked on is not rinsed, brushed, or flossed for 24 hours as this could also cause dry socket.
  • Ensure your child is restricted to a soft food diet for at least 48 hours so they don’t bite down hard on the wound.
  • Give your child the prescribed medication for their comfort.
  • Apply a wrapped ice pack to the exterior area for 15-20 minutes at a time then take it away for 10 minutes. This will help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process.

    Let your child rest and make sure they don’t do any strenuous activity for a few days to avoid dislodging the blood clot.