Savanna Market Dental

Restorative Dentistry

Cleaning and Prevention
Family Dentistry
Children’s Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth Replacement
Extract or Preserve
Oral Appliances
Sedation Dentistry

What is Restorative Dentistry?

At Savanna Market Dental, we know there is always a way to restore the functionality and look of a child’s teeth. Restorative dentistry for your little one may involve fillings, crowns, space maintainers, or tooth extraction. These processes can fix and strengthen damaged or missing teeth. Help your child keep their teeth healthy to avoid unnecessary complications as they age. A beautiful smile helps keep their confidence level high.

How A Child May Injure Their Tooth

Perhaps your child has been unable to get the grooves of every tooth clean. This is especially difficult for young children. Maybe they experienced an injury after a play date at the park. Falling to the ground can cause damage to their teeth and gums and in extreme cases, loss of a tooth.  These common things may lead to the need for restorative dentistry at your Calgary NE dentist.

What is the Treatment Process for Restorative Dentistry?

Depending on your little one’s situation, the procedure will vary.

Dental Filling – If bacteria has found its way into the enamel, it will eat away at it creating a small hole. A small to medium-sized opening like this can even cause headaches so it is important to have it treated before it gets bigger.

  • Step 1: A numbing gel, or, in some cases, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area being treated. This is for your child’s ultimate comfort.
  • Step 2: A slow-speed drill is used to make a small hole to remove the decay from the tooth.
  • Step 3: The filling material plugs the hole and is smoothed out to mimic the natural shape of the tooth.
  • Step 4: A curing light hardens the material, and your child is ready to leave the dentist’s chair.

Dental Crown – When the damage to your child’s tooth is past the point of being able to have a filling then a dental crown is used to be placed over the tooth instead. This cap will protect a deeply damaged tooth.

  • Step 1: The area needing a crown is numbed with a topical gel or local anesthetic for your child’s comfort.
  • Step 2: The damaged tooth is shaped so the crown can fit over the top of it.
  • Step 3: Dental putty or a digital scanner is used for taking an impression of your child’s tooth. This is sent to a lab to create the crown. A temporary crown is fit over the tooth.
  • Step 4: When the permanent crown is ready, it is fit to the tooth during a subsequent appointment.

Space Maintainer – There is a risk of nearby teeth moving when a tooth has been lost. This is why a space maintainer is helpful. It keeps your child’s teeth in place until a permanent tooth starts to come in or other teeth become loose.

  • Step 1: An impression is taken of your little one’s teeth so a space maintainer can be customized to fit their mouth.
  • Step 2: After the space maintainer is created at a dental lab, your child comes back so it can be properly fit and attached to their tooth with dental cement.

Tooth Extraction – At Savanna Market Dental we will never pull a tooth unless absolutely necessary. When space is needed as a result of alignment issues then a tooth extraction might be necessary. Removal of a tooth may be required if your child has a large infection causing them pain.

  • Step 1:  A local anesthetic is used to numb the area prior to treatment
  • Step 2: Small dental instruments are used to take the tooth out
  • Step 3: Pressure is put on the socket with a gauze pad for approximately 20 minutes, and sutures may also be needed, depending on the situation

At Savanna Market Dental, we ensure you are comfortable every step of the way no matter what procedure is about to be performed.