Savanna Market Dental

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What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral used to strengthen enamel and prevent tooth decay. It comes in the form of toothpaste, varnish, gel, foam, and mouthwash. Regular use in small amounts is part of dental services or at-home care that can significantly help protect your child’s teeth from getting cavities. 

Fluoride treatments can be more beneficial if your child has:

  • Dry Mouth – With dry mouth, there is a reduced amount of saliva production. This can lead to an easy formation of plaque on the teeth due to not enough naturally occurring liquid to wash it away. Fluoride helps strengthen your child’s teeth to avoid this concern.
  • Gum Disease – Your little one’s teeth and gums can become exposed to bad bacteria which can be the start of gum disease. Fluoride can provide an added layer of protection.
  • Braces – Oral appliances make it a little more difficult to get those teeth clean, leading to a higher chance of plaque and tartar build-up. This is where fluoride helps protect your child’s teeth even when brushing and flossing are difficult. 
  • History of Tooth Decay – If you know your little one is prone to tooth decay then fluoride dental services and at-home care may be a great option for them.

When to Use Fluoride

Fluoride can be incorporated into dental services at any age, however, if you have a child under three years old, it is usually avoided. There is a risk of your little one swallowing the fluoride which can result in feeling sick or brown or white marks appearing on the teeth. If, however, your child is at high risk for tooth decay then it may be recommended by your Calgary NE dentist. The amount used will be a rice-sized grain.

For children from three to six years old, an adult can help them brush their teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste, ensuring nothing is swallowed.

If your child is six years old or older then they likely know to spit out the toothpaste and can brush their teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride.

You may want to eliminate or cut down on fluoride during pregnancy. There is no direct evidence linking fluoride to problems with a fetus, however, you are at higher risk during this time.

This specific mineral is not the be all end all to a healthy mouth. You must still ensure your child continues to brush and floss their teeth twice daily while maintaining their regular visits to the dentist.

What is the Fluoride Treatment Process at Your Calgary NE Dentist?

Depending on the way fluoride is incorporated into treatment, it may get brushed onto the teeth or loaded onto the teeth with a tray full. Whether it is a gel, foam, or varnish the treatment usually only takes about five minutes. A varnish will be left on to harden and then brushed off around 6-24 hours later. All other forms of fluoride are spit out and rinsed off during the appointment at the dentist.