Savanna Market Dental

Dry Mouth and What You Can Do to Prevent It

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Do you have a sticky, dry feeling in your mouth? This can be a result of dry mouth syndrome and is something you should be assessed for. Ignoring this issue can lead to further complications and dental concerns. Your dentist will be able to recommend solutions to help solve the problem. Lifestyle changes, adjustments to medication, and reducing smoking can help to alleviate this issue. 

What Exactly Is Dry Mouth?

Known by many other names such as xerostomia and cotton mouth, dry mouth problem does exactly what it says, makes your mouth dry. This can occur because of too little saliva being produced. A persistent dry mouth can make it difficult to speak, chew, and swallow normally. It can also increase your risk for infection since you need saliva to fight off naturally occurring oral bacterium.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Dry Mouth?

All ages can run into this oral health concern. Here are some reasons you may encounter it.

  • Medicinal Side Effect – If you have a medical complication and take prescription or over-the-counter pills for it, the medicine could be affecting your sympathetic nervous system, reducing the amount of saliva that is normally produced.  
  • Nerve Damage – Damage to your nerves from a head or neck injury may have your body confused. The nervous system may no longer know how to tell your body to produce saliva.
  • Dehydration – Did you forget to drink enough water during the day and now feel a bit weak and light-headed? You may be dehydrated which can also lead to a dry mouth. Your body needs plenty of fluids to survive.
  • Mouth Breathing and Snoring – Breathing through your mouth or snoring causes saliva to evaporate. This enhances or worsens the dry mouth feeling.
  • Smoking – Whether you inhale tobacco or weed, smoking minimizes the flow of saliva and can lead to dry mouth.

Look for these warning signs that you may have dry mouth syndrome.

  • Burning or itchy throat
  • Cracked lips
  • Mouth sores
  • Bad breath

Dry mouth can be temporary or permanent, but if you do what you can to help prevent it you can steer clear of the uncomfortable sensation. Your dentist can review your medical history to determine the cause and offer suggestions and the proper solutions for you.

A close up of a woman's mouth showing her dry mouth and tongue

Tips to Help Alleviate Dry Mouth

When you know what is causing your dry mouth you can take appropriate action to minimize it. You may be able to incorporate lifestyle changes to prevent it altogether.

  • Chew Sugar-Free Gum – Sugar sticks to your teeth and is more likely to cause plaque which can lead to cavities.  Sugar-free gum helps you avoid an excess amount of sugar, and the chewing action encourages your saliva to flow freely.
  • Drink Lots of Water – It is a good idea to drink at least 8 cups of water a day to attain proper hydration and regular saliva flow.
  • Avoid or Cut Down on Smoking – Not only is this good for your health, but it helps eliminate that icky, sticky feeling in your mouth and throat.
  • Use a Humidifier – Keeping a humidifier in your bedroom is something that can help add moisture into the air and your body while you sleep.
  • Mouthwash Made for You – Get a mouthwash that is specifically created for dry mouth to help avoid this problem.


Get rid of stress and anxiety that are often associated with dry mouth. When your body starts producing more saliva it offers other benefits. It can help with your digestion, wash away food particles, and can even re-mineralize weak tooth enamel. Saliva is a natural defence against the dark forces that sometimes try to make their way into your mouth and mess with your immune system.

Treating Dry Mouth

Visiting the dentist regularly keeps you knowledgeable about what is going on inside your mouth. Dry mouth syndrome can make you more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease, but there are remedies. At Savanna Market Dental we take care of all your dental treatment needs. A little help can make you feel great and avoid complications!