Savanna Market Dental

Embrace Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are problems with your teeth making you self-conscious when you smile? Luckily, cosmetic dentistry in Calgary’s NE can help with issues like chips, staining, and excess gum tissue.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Dental procedures that aid in the reconstruction of your teeth and gums to enhance the look and feel of your oral cavity fall under the cosmetic dentistry realm.  Your health and functionality of your mouth can be improved with this type of dental service. Treatments range from veneers to crowns and include fillings, teeth whitening, and gum contouring.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Safety

Regardless of the type of cosmetic treatment you are considering, it will be safe and effective as long as you have a dentist who:

  • Has passed all the required courses, education, and training.
  • Is open and honest with answering your questions and explaining the procedures.
  • Consider your anxieties, making you feel at ease.
  • Provides an initial consultation where your medical and dental histories are discussed.
  • Personalizes the treatment to your situation.

The Details

Here are some common cosmetic dental services and how they can help you.

Veneers – If you have intrinsic stains on your teeth that cannot be eliminated or reduced with professional teeth whitening then veneers are a great option. This extremely thin covering goes over your teeth to replicate their original feel and look. Veneers are often used to disguise cracks or abnormal texture and size.

Crowns – A custom-designed cap is put over your tooth or teeth to help restore the shape and function from issues like a large cavity or broken tooth. A crown protects your tooth/teeth from further damage. Crowns are usually used after a root canal treatment when decay has rotted away your tooth enamel.

Fillings – Typically, resin is combined with ceramic to fill in the space left by decay on your tooth. A filling can help correct a bad bite and can be made from tooth-coloured material, so it blends in with the natural look of your teeth.

Teeth Whitening – Extrinsic stains can be easily removed with professional teeth whitening. This quick, cost-effective option is a great choice for you if you want a brighter, healthier-looking smile.

Gum Contouring – Feeling like you want to hide your smile due to a disproportionate tooth-to-gum ratio can be rectified. With a gum contouring procedure, the excess gum tissue growing over your teeth can be removed with a special laser. This not only allows you to confidently smile but also helps keep unwanted bacteria at bay.