Savanna Market Dental

What You Need to Know Before Visiting a Teeth Whitening Dentist

Are you noticing brown or yellow stains on your teeth? This may be due to genetics, food and drink you are consuming, or just that you don’t brush your teeth enough. Find out what is causing the discoloration and check with your dentist to determine if it can be rectified by getting a professional teeth whitening in Calgary’s NE.

Did you know more than half the people in the world have a dental concern they want fixed? Visiting a dentist is the solution. Before going to see a dentist, always have some questions prepared so you can engage in an open conversation about possible causes and treatment options for your issues. This will give you the confidence to make good choices for your oral health care and determine the appropriate timing to visit your dentist. Whether you are seeking a teeth whitening dentist Calgary NE or need to book a checkup, communicating your concerns helps keep your teeth and gums in good shape.

First off…

What Exactly Is Teeth Whitening?

This treatment lightens the colour of your enamel using a professional grade hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. A small dental brush is used to apply the bleaching solution to your teeth. After about 15 minutes the solution begins to remove unwanted stains from the enamel. Your hygienist will remove the solution and then the process is repeated. Whitening your teeth typically takes less than one hour and the results can last up to a year.

Here is What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening

Can Teeth Whitening Damage Your Teeth?

Using over the counter products can cause damage and deteriorate the enamel, especially when these products are used too often. Abrasive cleaning solutions can lead to extreme sensitivity or painful reactions. A teeth whitening dentist in Calgary’s NE will know how to administer professional stain removing gel to keep your teeth and gums from harm. Your dentist may recommend teeth whitening only about once a year. The safest method for a whiter smile is to visit the dentist for a professional treatment.


What are Some Common Situations Where Teeth Whitening Should to Be Avoided and Why?

  • Pregnant or Nursing – There is no proof that the bleaching product is completely safe for fetuses and infants. A small amount of the gel is commonly accidentally swallowed during whitening which can negatively affect a baby. For this reason, your dentist will steer clear of whitening at this time.
  • Dental Problems – When you have other dental concerns like gum disease, whitening should be avoided. The product can aggravate your current dental issues leading to further complications.
  • Natural teeth are the only ones that react favourably to the whitening solution. So, if you have veneers, tooth-coloured fillings, or crowns these will likely stay looking the same while the rest of your teeth whiten, causing an uneven tone.