Do you want an uncomfortable, throbbing mouth? Are you wanting to pay more than the average person for extreme dental issues? If your answer is no, then you must take care of your oral health. A teeth cleaning in Calgary’s NE is the start of maintaining a happy, healthy mouth.
Healthy teeth and gums are connected to your overall health. A mouth ridden with bacteria caused by plaque and tartar build-up can lead to serious physical ailments. While staying physically healthy is important, your mental well-being is also affected by your oral health. A great smile not only helps you gain confidence but knowing your teeth and gums are in good shape can put your mind at ease and allow you to focus on your day-to-day tasks.
Why Keep Up on NE Calgary Teeth Cleaning
Every six months to a year is the recommendation for visiting a dental hygienist for your teeth cleaning.
- Reach Where You Can’t – Even with regular teeth brushing and flossing, there will still be plaque that you are unable to get at. A hygienist will be able to remove any plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums using special tools.
- Early Signs – Typically, when you go for a cleaning, you will get a check-up by the dentist. He/she will discover any problem areas so they can be fixed before becoming a major concern. Your dentist can identify early warning signs of these types of issues:
- Oral Cancer: This can cause physical changes unseen to the naked eye. Early detection can mean the difference between a concern and a life-threatening issue. Your dentist will recommend treatment options.
- Gum Disease: Swollen gums that are tender to the touch are often a warning sign of an underlying issue.
- Cavities: If you consume lots of sugary foods and drinks you may have cavities forming which can show up as chalky enamel and then dark spots as the damage progresses.
- Rotting Teeth: Dark spots can appear all over your teeth and lead to an infection or abscess.
- Dry Mouth: Inside your mouth, your cheeks will usually be dry and rough.
- Natural Shine – Your teeth will have more of a natural shimmer to them when they are polished by the hygienist. Polishing with prophylaxis paste is a way to get rid of minor discoloration.
These are all great reasons to get a regular teeth cleaning in Calgary’s NE.
Additional Ways to Keep Up on Your Oral Health
Visiting the dentist is only one way in which you can take care of your oral health. There are many simple ways to do so at home.
- Eat and Drink Healthy – When you put healthy nutrients in your body it rewards you by keeping you energized and allowing your gut to be happy. Your skin will look better when you consume natural, vitamin-rich food and drink. Some of the things you should include in your diet are:
- Crunchy Vegetables: These add important minerals into your body and the crunch helps clean your teeth.
- Fatty Fish: The phosphorus in fish like anchovies and wild salmon helps keep your enamel protected.
- Leafy Greens: Greens like spinach, kale, and chard are calcium-rich and help strengthen your bones. Since your teeth are connected by bones, they will grow strong.
- Fibrous Fruits: Apples are a great fibre-rich fruit that increases salivation, helping clean your teeth and eliminating bad bacteria that often cause cavities.
- Water: Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and help clean out residual food residue after eating.
- Be Gentle on Your Teeth – Avoid doing silly party tricks like opening a bottle or can with your teeth. This can cause you to chip or break a tooth, possibly sending you to emergency dental. Avoid chewing anything too crunchy like jawbreakers or crunching down on ice cubes. These things are likely to cause damage to your enamel.
- Brush and Floss Properly – Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and circle over your teeth and gumline. This helps to eliminate plaque while being gentle on your mouth. You should also use a fluoride toothpaste to help keep your enamel strong.
What Happens During a Dental Cleaning
During a routine dental cleaning, you will experience the following steps:
- Step 1: Plaque, Tartar, and Biofilm are Removed – An ultrasonic scaling device is used to break up and clear your mouth of plaque, tartar, and biofilm. A manual scaler may also be used when there are spots that resist being cleaned as easily. Jet water flushes all of this away.
- Step 2: A paste called prophy paste is applied to your teeth in preparation for being polished. Usually, a tiny rubber cup is used to spin on your teeth, removing minor stains.
- Step 3: Your mouth will be rinsed and flossed. This removes any remaining plaque and tartar, giving your teeth an ultra-clean.
- Step 4: Fluoride is used to help your teeth absorb minerals and fight cavities. The fluoride is usually a foamy gel or paste in a tray that is placed over your teeth. Once the tray is removed, a fluoride varnish is applied to your teeth with a brush.
You might experience some sensitivity after a cleaning, but this will disappear shortly after. If, of course, any major concerns are found before the cleaning your hygienist will halt the procedure until these can be taken care of so as not to cause further complications.
Healthy Mouth = Less Cost for You
A healthy mouth saves you money and gives you peace of mind. There is no need to worry about your teeth and gums when you keep them in great condition. Expensive dental visits can be avoided when you add teeth cleaning in Calgary’s NE to your to-do dental checklist. Visit us at Savanna Market Dental for a cleaning that can give you the confidence you have been looking for.