Savanna Market Dental

How to Help Your Child Feel Comfortable at the Dentist

Do you feel nerves set in as you walk into a brand-new place? If you answered yes, then you will understand how your child feels when being put in an unfamiliar situation. A dentist’s office can be quite a scary place for your little one because of the unknown sights and sounds. However, visiting a children’s dentist in Calgary is important for the proper growth and development of your child’s teeth. So, how do you help reduce their fears to make them feel at ease?

Ways to Help Your Child Become Comfortable When Going to the Dentist

  • Education – One of the top ways for a child to become comfortable in the dentist’s chair is through learning and understanding. Of course, he/she is afraid of going to the dentist when there is a complete unknown of what is about to happen. Talk to your child and let them know the importance of going to a dentist, what they can expect when they are there, and how a dentist helps keep their teeth healthy.  You might want to draw some images to help explain the situation. Knowledge makes your child more at ease with the treatments associated with children’s dentistry.
  • Fun – Just as informative images help explain things like the special tools and an x-ray machine, having some fun with visiting a dentist will help your child feel comfortable. There are many cute books on this topic so try reading some of these with your little one. Your child will relate to the pictures and connect the story to their dental visit.

You can even try role-playing where you are the dentist and then switching so your child can have a peek inside your mouth. Let him/her explore what it’s like to be at a children’s dentist in Calgary before their appointment. Fun play time will excite your child about their oral health care and who knows, maybe they will want to grow up to be a dentist.

  • Comfort and Familiarity – Take something your little one loves with them to the dentist. They may feel more at ease with their favourite stuffed toy in hand. Adding familiar items into the mix helps them with their comfort level. It can also be used as a kind of stress ball they can squeeze when feeling uneasy. You can also hold your child’s hand as they get dental work done. This will let them know that you are there for them, a source of comfort during their treatments.   
  • Bring Your Child with You – Do you have an upcoming dental appointment? Let your child come with you to your checkup or cleaning so they can watch what happens. Your calm reaction and matter-of-fact attitude will prepare them for their adventure to the dentist. This is also a good time for your child to ask questions and get acquainted with the hygienist and other members of the staff. A positive attitude will ensue for future visits.  
  • Rewards – Have your child focus on something exciting coming up after their children’s dentistry appointment. Did they behave well? Reward them by going for some pie afterward.

When to Visit a Dentist for the First Time

When the first tooth makes its way out of your little one’s gums it’s a good time to get ready for children’s dentistry. Wait about 6 months then take your child to the dentist for the first time. A dentist can help prevent problems like sensitivity and infections. Since a child’s mouth is constantly changing, regular dental visits are important so their mouth can be monitored, making sure their teeth and gums stay healthy and grow normally. 

Brushing and Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

Visiting a dentist regularly will help get rid of plaque and tartar, keeping primary teeth clean and preventing issues like cavities. It is important to start a home care routine early.  When you have a baby there is of course no brushing or flossing needed but you will need to wrap a soft cloth over your finger and gently brush or wipe your baby’s gums with water.


When your child gets to the age where teeth start to appear, usually between six to twelve months, they can start using a soft bristle toothbrush. You should supervise this activity and help when needed. Flossing starts when teeth touch each other. You can help with this by wrapping the floss around your fingers, ensuring there is a gap then moving it around the base of your child’s gums in a c shape. As they get older, they will be able to do this on their own.

Coming to the Dentist

Visiting a children’s dentist in Calgary at a very young age is the beginning of a healthy habit. At Savanna Market Dental, we understand the complexities of a child’s oral health and are ready to ensure it stays on track for a healthy future.