Technology Calgary NE

Advanced technology makes your dental experience much more comfortable and accurate than ever before. At Savanna Market Dental, we incorporate the latest treatment plans and technology into all the services we offer. Further still, our dentists take the time to advance their training and knowledge through participating in new courses each year, ensuring you receive the highest quality care. These advancements mean you spend less time in the dentist’s chair and more time out and doing what you love with a beautiful smile on your face.

Tech-Savvy Appointments to Aid in Your Visit to the Dentist

Cameras, X-rays, and scanners help your dentist discover the inner workings of your mouth so oral health problems can be avoided. When dental issues are discovered, they can be dealt with as soon as possible. Advanced technology allows your dentist to get a microscopic view of your teeth, gums, tongue, and jaw, seeing what can’t be viewed with the naked eye. It is a huge aid in oral health care.

  • Faster treatments
  • More precise treatments
  • Microscopic view of the insides of your mouth
  • More comfortable dental services
  • Aids in avoiding future dental problems
  • Can help you with current dental issues
  • Safety-enhanced procedures
  • More detail

Performance and Technology Go Hand-in-Hand

The more advanced technology becomes, the better your treatment options. You can count on your dentist’s eye and his technological tools to pinpoint problems, helping keep you on a path to oral health.

Technology at Your Dentist in NE Calgary involves:

Intra-oral camera

Each tooth is viewed using the intra-oral camera that can see everything from the finest cracks to minute stress marks. These are the details your dentist needs to view to pinpoint the exact method needed for your treatment.

Learn more about intra-oral camera >

Digital X-ray

Extremely detailed images without the radiation of a traditional photographic X-ray film, a digital X-ray at the dentist lets them view your entire oral structure with extreme accuracy. It helps your dentist make sure nothing is going awry inside your mouth.

Learn more about digital x-ray >

Cone Beam/3D X-Ray

This cone-shaped X-ray beam is used to produce a 3D image of a patient’s anatomy for restoration purposes such as planning for a dental implant. It captures the detail inside your mouth and jaw.

Learn more about cone beam/3D x-ray >

iTero® Element Scanner

Used for restorative and orthodontic treatment, the iTero® Element Scanner creates clean 3D images of your teeth. These are used to help your dentist form restorative devices such as implants and orthodontic clear aligners, Invisalign®.

Learn more about the iTero Scanner >

Technology that Benefits You at Savanna Market Dental

Dental technology helps with making your treatments more detailed and effective in less time. You can get your dental services and see results much quicker than you could in the past. We take care and consideration into learning new dental advancements because we are compassionate about every patient’s oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to have dental treatments done with the use of digital technology?

Yes. At the dentist, we always keep your safety as a top priority. If X-rays of any kind are needed, then you are covered with a lead apron to prevent seepage of radiation into your body. With today’s advanced technology, the machines have even less doses of radiation than ever before.

How does dental technology make treatments more cost-effective?

With advanced technology comes the ability to produce dental devices quicker and in a more cost-effective way which means the savings are passed on to you.

Why do I want advanced technology used as part of my treatment at the dentist?

You want to spend less time at the dentist, right? You also likely want to know if there are dental issues that need to be attended to as soon as possible. All these things can be achieved with advanced dental technology.

What is one of the main tools my dentist should have?

Your dentist should use an Intra-Oral Camera to see the detail in your teeth and be on watch for dental complications.

How do I know what type of advanced technology should be used during my treatment?

Your dentist will determine the technology required for your situation. As an example, laser treatments may be something used for eliminating discomfort during a dental session.

Why do I want my dentist to use advanced technology?

The more advanced the technology, the more chance you have at a stress-free, quick, yet precise treatment. This is a progressive approach for all your dental requirements.